The Last Detective - Nardizzi Inc.

Trying to find an old Boston, Suffolk County MA court case?

If you have a case number from a Boston, Suffolk County case but are not sure where it might be found, the first set of numbers contains a trial court code. Check this site to locate the correct district court that heard the case. For example, a case number 8905 - CR-1091 would be filed in the year 1989, in courthouse “05” which corresponds to East Boston.

After reviewing your case, stop over at Santarpios for the best Italian thin crust pizza.
Takeout orders come right from the kitchen door on Chelsea St. Look for the tomato cans.

Other Massachusetts Superior, District, Probate & Juvenile Courts are listed here too, but Boston cases cause the most confusion because of the consolidation of the district courts under the Boston Municipal Court system. BMC Central covers downtown Boston & Beacon Hill.