No trespass at Harvard by Massachusetts private investigator

Yesterday morning, Judge Sragow dismissed all charges against our investigator Joseph Cadillic (and also those against his wife). Defense counsel argued that facts contained in the Harvard University Police report failed to establish the elements of trespass and breaking & entering. The judge agreed, and granted the motion to dismiss.

The DA made several contacts with sources at Harvard to determine whether the university wished for the judge to issue findings of fact and law (which could have set grounds for appeal). Harvard declined to do so.

Once again, the constitutional right of American citizens to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures has been upheld.

On Saturday afternoon, May 30, 2009, Harvard University police arrested the Cadillics without cause. This firm was assisting the Simmons Agency and MIT Crime Club with research on the murder of Justin Cosby and security measures at Harvard University.